Release Date: Q3 2026
In the year 2030, a post-apocalyptic United States faces a new global threat: the Eastern Forces Network (EFN), a coalition of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea, united in their pursuit of world domination. After launching a devastating campaign across Europe, the EFN's ambitions turn toward the shores of the United States. Alex Thompson, a battle-hardened U.S. Army veteran, returns home from the war-torn continent, only to find his homeland on the brink of invasion. Now, Alex and his comrades must confront an agonizing choice: Will they rise once more to defend the country they love, standing alongside their European allies? Or will Alex lay down his arms, weary from the unrelenting cycle of war, as the enemy closes in on American soil? The fate of the nation—and Alex's destiny—hangs in the balance.
First-Person Shooter
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